MALL in Learning English through Social Networking Tools: Students' Perceptions on Instagram Feed-based Task and Peer Feedback


The purpose of this research is to examine students' habits in using Instagram and their perceptions of the platform’s feed-based tasks and peer feedback in English learning. This is online research with data collected from four meetings of Instagram feed-based tasks and peer feedback through a questionnaire with a Likert scale, focus group interviews, and observation. The purposive sampling method was used to determine the sample size of 56 law students. The data collected were analyzed using the mixed method with SPSS program 26 and Miles and Huberman's (2019) thematic analysis. The results showed that most students were familiar with Instagram and accessed it to share and obtain information, making it possible to flip it into an L2 learning tool. Students’ poor English skills impacted their lack of motivation, interest, and confidence in participating in flipping Instagram as a medium of writing activities using feed-based tasks. On the other hand, peer feedback increased their motivation to interact with friends using English. Therefore, EFL teachers, learners, and material developers need to consider Instagram as a MALL tool for feed-based tasks and peer feedback for L2 classes due to its positive impact on collaborative and interactive activities.


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