Special issue: Second Language Assessment in Online Classes: New Trends


It is evident that the ongoing development of new digital technologies has paved the ground for gaining knowledge and skills in the virtual environments. Over the last decades, learning in virtual environments has been extensively welcomed across the globe. A lion’s share of this extensive popularity is due to the outstanding advantages of learning in the virtual environments, including added flexibility and self-paced learning, better time management, demonstrated self-motivation, improved virtual communication and collaboration, a broader, global perspective, refined critical- thinking skills, and new technical skills. Using effective assessment practices is an integral part of effective instruction in virtual environments. Owing to the unique features of virtual instruction, the assessment practices used in this setting are certainly different from those adopted in face-to- face classes. This implies that assessment practices should be designed, administered, and scored tailored to the unique features of virtual learning environments. Despite the paramount importance of this issue, it is interesting to note that second language assessment in the online classes has received scant attention in the literature. Thus, this issue aims to collate original research and review articles addressing it.


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