Computer-Mediated Immediate and Delayed L1 and L2 Glosses and Vocabulary Learning and Reading Comprehension of an ESP Text


This paper reports on research on how four different computerized gloss types impacted target vocabulary learning and reading comprehension of an ESP text. A total of 100 electrical engineering students were asked to read four differently glossed ESP texts. As for the treatment, the first experimental group read the computerized glossed version of the ESP passages with the target words glossed in L1 (Persian) presented immediately by clicking on the target words. The second group read the same glossed version of the passages, with the target words immediately glossed in L2 (English). The third group was exposed to the target words glossed in L1 presented within a time interval of fifteen seconds by clicking on the words. The fourth group read the same passages with the target words delay-glossed in L2, and the control group read the computerized passages with no glossing. MANOVA results indicated that reading comprehension and target vocabulary learning were enhanced due to the effects of both immediate and delayed computerized glosses in L1 and L2. Also, delayed glossing had a moderating effect on reading comprehension performance. The results showed that the L1 gloss type was more effective than the L2 gloss type on target vocabulary learning and reading comprehension performance of the participants.


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