English Diphthong Characteristics Produced by Thai EFL Learners: Individual Practice Using PRAAT


Thai EFL learners may experience difficulty with the pronunciation of eight English diphthongs. It was considered that PRAAT, a speech analysis program, could assist learners to improve their performance. The purpose of the study was to investigate the pronunciation of these eight English diphthongs by a group of Thai EFL learners before and after one month of individual practice using PRAAT, after which participants would be asked to complete a feedback survey. F1 and F2 values as well as duration and rate of change (ROC) in diphthongs before and after training were measured and statistically compared with the t-test at p < .05. Results indicated that vowel duration was significantly longer after training. The first vocalic element appeared to be the longest part of the diphthong, and similar quality in this phase was observed before and after the training. Even though the learners seemed to struggle with the diphthongs /еɪ/, /ǝʊ/ and/eǝ/, the results for /еɪ/ after training exhibited values significantly greater than those for /ǝʊ/ and /eǝ/. Learners’ feedback mostly reflected their satisfaction with PRAAT as a tool for pronunciation practice. It could be concluded that PRAAT offers practical benefits to Thai EFL learners.


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