The Effect of an Authentic Learning Experience on Low-Performing EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Intentions to Use E-Learning for Teaching


This research was aimed at finding out the effect of an authentic learning experience, the experience in taking a real course in a university, when e-learning was combined with face-to-face interaction on the pre-service teachers' intention of using e-learning in their future teaching employment. Fifty-two pre-service teachers majoring in an English grammar course at a state university in Indonesia participated in this research. The average test scores revealed that they performed poorly on quizzes based on assigned reading materials. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) questionnaire was used for pre-test and post-test, and the data were analyzed using the Paired Sample Wilcoxon test at the significance level of 0.05. The research results show that all pre-service teachers’ intentions of using e-learning for teaching were significantly different in a negative direction before and after the participants received an authentic learning experience. These results suggest that the low-performing pre-service English teachers’ intention to use e-learning was lower after they had an authentic learning experience with e-learning.


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