The Affordances of WeChat Voice Messaging for Chinese EFL Learners During Private Tutoring


Despite an increasing amount of research on Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in classroom settings within the Chinese EFL context, less is known about how learners engage with MALL outside of the classroom. In particular, few studies have explored the impact of voice-message-assisted Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication (SCMC) for language learning, where students combine text input with a variety of voice messaging functions to create an immersive communication platform for L2 acquisition. Focusing on the use of the popular WeChat messaging platform and its affordances for the development of L2 English pronunciation and fluency, a mixed- methods approach combining questionnaire data (n=50), interview data (n=5), and case study data comprised of learners’ WeChat logs taken at 30-hour intervals was adopted. The findings suggest this approach to L2 learning was viewed favourably by the Chinese adult English learners taking private tutorial lessons in this study, given the relaxation of temporal and geographic boundaries for communication. In addition, the various functions of WeChat voice messaging (e.g. message cancelling, 60-second time limit) were each found to have an important role to play in learners’ monitoring and restructuring of their L2 production.


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