Authenticity in Online Dynamic Assessment: Iranian EFL Learners` Perspectives


Theoretically emerged from Vygotsky`s sociocultural theory of mind, Dynamic Assessment (DA) considers learning as a mediated social enterprise relying on language authenticity in targeting learners` individual and social development. Considering the growing usage of online DA writing courses, this study examined the perspectives of learners on the ways through which authenticity of mediation contributed to their development. Participants of this study were instructed academic writing through Google Docs in an online writing course for two months. Then, post study structured interviews were conducted. Thematic analysis was applied to the interview transcripts and the emerged themes were analyzed considering the main aspects of the notion of authenticity. According to the results, authenticity is well-supported in online mediation as it not only provides learners with linguistic models but also targets their quality of interactions. Moreover, it contributes to learners` academic identities and their acculturation into the target language. The findings highlight the fact that online DA mediation is inclusive enough to address authenticity in foreign language learning.


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