The Application of Small WhatsApp Groups and the Individual Flipped Instruction Model to Boost EFL Learners’ Mastery of Collocation


This current research investigated the effect of small WhatsApp group and individual flipped instructional design to promote EFL learners’ collocation mastery and their attitudes toward the two different combinations. A quasi-experimental approach with a non-equivalent control group and a pre-test/post-test design was exploited. The small WhatsApp cohort was treated using small group flipped instructional design through WhatsApp with small group collocation activities as the experimental group (N = 25), and an individual class was exposed to individual flipped instruction model through WhatsApp with individual collocation activities as the quasi-experimental (N = 25). Two models of receptive and productive collocation tasks were allotted to assess the EFL learners’ collocation mastery. A questionnaire was also distributed to assess their attitudes. The findings depicted that the mean score of the small WhatsApp group flipped instruction with small WhatsApp group collocation activities was higher than the mean score of the individual flipped model via WhatsApp activities. Learners’ attitude towards the implementation of the small group flipped instruction through WhatsApp with small group collocation activities found more positively than the individual WhatsApp activities. Overall, the research presents shrewd implication to the body of research on flipped classroom in ELT context.


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