Examining the Effects of Google Docs-Based Instruction and Peer Feedback Types (Implicit vs. Explicit) on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance


The present study aimed at investigating the possible effects of implicit (recast)/explicit (metalinguistic) corrective feedback and two types of writing instructional environments (blended/face-to-face) on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance. To this end, 96 EFL students were chosen based on their IELTs writing test scores, and were randomly assigned to two groups (blended group/face to face group). Each group was divided into two subgroups, one receiving implicit and the other receiving explicit feedback. After the treatment was run, both groups received another sample of IELTs writing test as a posttest. The analysis of a Two-way ANOVA revealed that these two types of writing instructional models have different effects on improving students’ writing performance. Also, it indicated the students receiving explicit feedback performed better than those receiving implicit feedback. Moreover, the results indicated the learners’ writing performance changed based on the type of feedback they received in different instructional models (Google Docs/ F-to-F). The findings of this study revealed the importance of Google Docs-based writing instruction in increasing students’ confidence in their writing skill abilities and their willingness to allow others to read and evaluate their written products.


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