Online assessment via LMS and the Importance of Portfolio assessment: A Study on the Effects of Test Taking Skills, Buoyancy, Techno-Stress, and Language Achievement


Online assessment via LMS, Portfolio assessment, Test Taking Skills, Buoyancy, Techno-Stress, Language Achievement, EFL Learners


The term online assessment refers to digital testing in which students complete tests, quizzes, or other types of evaluations using a device linked to the internet. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in attention paid to online education and online assessment, affecting many cognitive and emotional aspects of students' overall academic well-being. Different applications were introduced for virtual instruction; each has its own positive or negative factors that may attract educationalists' attention to employ or reject them. The current research intended to picture the effects of test-taking skills, buoyancy, techno-stress, and language achievement in online assessment via LMS (Learned Management System) and portfolio assessment. The participants of this study were 87 upper-intermediate EFL students from Saudi Arabia. The participants in the experimental group (n=45) took both an online assessment and portfolio assessment, while the other group, the control group (n=42), passed the online assessment. The results of data analysis via Independent Samples T-test indicated that the participants in the experimental group outperformed their peers in the control group in test-taking skills, buoyancy, and language achievement. They can also manage their techno stress much better than the control group. The ramifications of this study are discussed further in-depth.


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