Factors Influencing Asynchronous and Synchronous Online Learning Experiences: A Comparative Study


Online learning
Community of Inquiry
asynchronous learning
synchronous learning


Online learning, both asynchronous and synchronous, has gained prominence in tertiary education. To further enhance the quality of online learning, it is necessary to investigate the factors impacting learners’ experiences. This study examines factors influencing tertiary ESL learners' online learning experiences in a vocabulary course via asynchronous and synchronous learning through the lens of Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework. The CoI is mediated by the interaction of three interdependent elements: cognitive presence, social presence, and teaching presence. The thematic analysis of the interviews with 19 participants reveals three similar factors that influenced the cognitive presence among both groups: learning resources, learning activities and learning from peers. In terms of social presence, the asynchronous group needed more learning support while for the synchronous group, the conscious effort made to participate led to more positive learning experiences. In teaching presence, the asynchronous group’s instructor’s feedback and availability emerged as pertinent influencing factors, whereas the instructor’s planning was essential for the synchronous group. The study’s outcomes reveal several implications linked to the teaching and learning of vocabulary in online settings.


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