Transcendence of Learning in an Online Computerized Dynamic Test of English Listening


As a post-psychometric model based on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory (SCT), dynamic assessment (DA) aims at assessing and developing learners' abilities simultaneously. The learners' development is accounted for through the analysis of their performance on the transcendence/transfer (TR) tasks that are more challenging and difficult than the original DA tasks. Addressing the scarcity of research on the transcendence of learning in the L2 context, and following Poehner and Lantolf (2013), the present study explored the transcendence of learning via developing an online computerized dynamic test of English listening skill for the first time. 43 Iranian English majors in two state universities participated in the study. Applying graphical representations as well as correlations and t-tests, the overall comparison of the mediated (DA) and transfer (TR) scores revealed that learners sustained their abilities responding to TR tasks yet analyzing the TR scores on the basis of both the constructs (sub-skills) and the individuals proved more informative in that it uncovered significant instances of regression, sustenance, and progress in different constructs and individuals. Finally, in line with Poehner and Lantolf's (2013) findings, the learning potential score (LPS) of the learners surfaced as a possible indicator of their future learning. The findings of this study suggest that language teachers can have a more informative prediction of leaners' future development through analyzing and comparing their performance on DA and TR items in C-DA projects.


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