Social networks and their effectiveness in learning foreign language vocabulary: A comparative study using WhatsApp


The present study aimed at exploring the use of a particular social networking (SN) application, i.e. WhatsApp, in instructing new vocabularies in a foreign language and comparing these results with the traditional methods of teaching L2 vocabulary. For this purpose, two groups of EFL learners studying English in an English institute were chosen. The results of a pre-test showed no significant difference between the two groups. One group received all the instruction of new L2 vocabulary from their textbook via WhatsApp while the second were taught through the traditional face-to-face instruction in the classroom. A researcher-made vocabulary test was used to compare the groups. The results of the independent samples t-test showed no significant difference between the technology-based and the traditional groups. Some reasons are discussed for these results. Finally, suggestions are provided for future research as well as teachers interested in utilizing such social media in their language classes.


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